DBMXPCA Technologies


You are browsing the legacy version of our website.

To visit our current site, click here for the SSL version or here for the non-SSL version.

While this version is no longer actively maintained, it remains online both for historical reasons, and as an alternative to older clients and devices that do not support the features available on our new site. Further, please note that some tools and pages on this old website have been disabled for security reasons and will unfortunately only be available on the new website. I do sincerely apologize for this, but this website is a one-man operation, I simply do not have enough time to patch all tools on the old site since that would take away from the already-limited time that I do have to work on the new site.

Form Demo

I am getting sick and tired of making forms from scratch for each page I need them, so I am finally making a form-builder of sorts. This page aims to demo the form builder. Additionally, the "Array" portion below will spew (...yes, spew ) the values submitted via the form, if you choose to fill it out and submit it. The form otherwise does nothing, and does not save the values anywhere.


Sample Form

First Name:*
Last Name:
Date Birth:*
Time of Birth:* : :
Disabled Input:
Product Key: - - - -
Enter your product key in the boxes above. You can use the Tab key to easily navigate to the next group.
Enter a username that you would like to use for the service. Usernames must be
  • At least 3 characters
  • No more than 255 characters
  • Alphanumeric (no spaces or characters other than letters or numbers).
Choose a secure password that you will use to login to the service.
Verify Password:*
Please re-type your desired password again.
Email Address:*
Please provide an email address that you have access to so that we can contact you in case of an emergency.
Verify Email Address:*
Please re-type the email address that you provided above.
If you wish to provide a telephone number for us to contact you, provide it here. Please be sure to include the country dialing code and area code.
If you wish to provide a fax number for us to contact you, provide it here. Please be sure to include the country dialing code and area code.
If you wish to tell us about yourself, please feel free to do so here.
How did you here about us?:
If you do not mind sharing, we would love to know how you heard about/found us. Please select an option that best describes how you heard about us.

Right Sidebar

Nothing here yet.