Internet Software Demos
You can find links to various demos for select popular Internet software on this page. While the software itself is hosted on a publicly-facing server (allowing the public to access to them), all databases are hosted in an internal network (LAN) without an Internet connection for maximum security. Please note that these systems are deployed for demo purposes ONLY and are neither used (nor intended to be used) in a production environment. It should go without saying, but for the sake of everyone (including yourself) please do not abuse this system. It was deployed for the purposes of allowing visitors to be able to get a feel of each piece of software quickly and easily, without needing to deal with the hassle and headaches of meeting server requirements and waiting for the [cumbersome] installation process.
Forum & Community Software
In the case of forum software, user registration is disabled to prevent spam abuse. User-specific access, as well as administrator and staff access to the software is not offered at this time.